Polis di Trafico
Pa acidentenan cu herido leve, serio, cu morto, persona herida, bou influencia of un agente policial ta envolvi den dje, nos tin departamento di trafico. E agentenan Policial di e departamento aki ta registra y investiga tur acidente cu persona herida. Nos tin agentenan Policial dedica pa bay den profundo pa mira con un acidente a tuma lugar. Nan ta tarea dirigi specialmente riba trafico apart di registra y investiga nan tambe por parti mula pa chauffeurnan cu ta maneha un vehiculo sin un rijbewijs valido of no tin rijbewijs mes. Nan oficina ta situa na Warda di Balashi dilanti di W.E.B Aruba N.V.
English version:
“For accidents involving minor or serious injuries, fatalities, injured persons, or a police officer involved in the incident, we have a traffic department. The police officers in this department register and investigate all accidents involving injured persons. We have dedicated police officers who go deep into the investigation of how an accident occurred. They are specifically tasked with handling traffic issues apart from registering and investigating accidents. They can also take action against drivers who operate a vehicle without a valid driver’s license or do not have a driver’s license at all. Their office is located at Warda di Balashi in front of W.E.B Aruba N.V.”
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