July 16, 2023

Diabierna anochi pa 10:56pm central di polis ta wordo notifica di un accidente entre dos auto na altura di Boolchand’s den Havenstraat na Oranjestad.

Na yegada di patruya ta topa cu e chauffeur di e Suzuki color shinishi gravemente herida. Ambulance a wordo pidi cu maximo urgencia y na nan yegada e personal di ambulance a stabilisa e victima y transporte cu maximo urgencia pa Dr. Horacio Oduber Hospitaal.

Na e sitio di e sucedido a presenta specialistanan di trafico, polis tecnico, fiscal y departamento di slachtofferhulp.

Diasabra despues di 11’or di anochi, polis ta wordo informa cu e chauffeur involucra di accidente a fayece na Hospitaal.

Dokter a constata morto di e homber yama Hawin Harold J. Ruiz, naci na Aruba, dia 26 januari 1992. E ta e di seis morto den trafico pa aña 2023.

Cuerpo Policial ta informa cu e caso ta bao investigacion y e curpa a wordo confisca riba ordo di fiscal. Alabes tin un persona deteni den e caso aki.

Cuerpo Policial Aruba ta manda palabra di profundo condolencia na famia di e fayecido.


On Friday night around 10:56 PM local time, the police were notified of an accident involving two cars at the location of Boolchand’s in Havenstraat, Oranjestad.

Upon arrival, the patrol found the driver of the silver-colored Suzuki severely injured. An ambulance was urgently requested, and upon their arrival, the ambulance personnel stabilized the victim and transported them urgently to Dr. Horacio Oduber Hospital.

At the scene, traffic specialists, forensic police, the prosecutor’s office, and victim support services were present.

On Saturday, after 11:00 PM, the police were informed that the driver involved in the accident had passed away at the hospital.

The doctor confirmed the death of the man named Hawin Harold J. Ruiz, born on January 26, 1992, in Aruba. He is the sixth traffic fatality of the year 2023.

The police report that the case is under investigation, and the vehicle involved has been confiscated on the prosecutor’s orders. Additionally, one person has been detained in connection with this case.

The Aruba Police Force extends its deepest condolences to the family of the deceased.

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