Den bon coordinacion cu otro departamentoban a logra rescata 3 persona. 2 persona nan curpa tambe a ser saca for di costa. Alabez autoridad ta haya basta purun di droga y tur a wordo confisca.
Tabata awe mainta pa 08:15am cu personal di Fundacion Parke Nacional Aruba a bati alarma na Central di Polis cu un hende homber cu ta papia spaño a yega na un trahado di nan bisando cu madruga ela drenta Aruba ilegal y cu 2 di su compañeronan ta mal pega bou baranca.
Mesora Central di Polis a cuminsa manda patruya, brandweer, personal di kustwacht y ambulans na e sitio. Na e sitio enberdad patruya ta informa cu nan ta wak dos hende homber bou di e baranca pero cu e situacion di e lama ta hopi malo y dificil pa nan mes rescata nan.
Personal di helicopter di Cuerpo Policial a logra maniobra y saca e dos hombernan aki. Mesora e personal di helicopter a sigi busca y un poco mas panort ta wak 2 curpa sin bida ta drief y basta purun preto.
Pa e helicopter di polis tawata practicamente imposibel pa sacanan. Mesora personal di bombero den bon coordinacion ta logra baha y saca e dus curpanan sin bida plus e purun cu probablemente tin droga aden.
Bo por bisa den un bon coordinacion a usa tambe e helicopter di Kustwacht pa keda monitor e situacion for di lama.
E 3 personan a wordo trata door di personal di ambulans y despues di tratamento nan a wordo deteni y hiba warda pendiente mas investigacion.
E purun nan tambe a wordo confisca y lo habrinan pa haci e testnan necesario pa wak ki sorto di droga tin den nan.
Cuerpo Policial ta manda palabra di profundo condolencia na famia di e fayecido.
In good coordination with other departments, the authority has managed to rescue three individuals. Two individuals have also been retrieved from the coast. Additionally, a significant quantity of drugs has been discovered and confiscated.
This morning at 8:15 am, personnel from the Aruba National Park Foundation alerted the Police Central Station about a Spanish-speaking man who arrived at their office, stating that he had entered Aruba illegally during the early morning and that two of his companions were trapped beneath a cliff.
Immediately, the Police Central Station dispatched patrols, firefighters, coast guard personnel, and an ambulance to the scene. Upon arrival, the patrols reported that they had located two men under the cliff, but the sea conditions were very rough, making it difficult for them to rescue the individuals themselves.
The Police Helicopter Unit managed to perform a maneuver and extract these two individuals. Subsequently, the helicopter personnel continued the search and a short distance away, they found two lifeless bodies drifting in the water and a significant quantity of black packages.
For the police helicopter, it was practically impossible to retrieve them. Consequently, in good coordination, the fire department personnel successfully descended and retrieved the two lifeless bodies, along with the packages that likely contained drugs. The Coast Guard helicopter was also used to monitor the situation from the sea.
The three individuals received medical treatment from ambulance personnel and were later arrested and taken to custody pending further investigation.
The confiscated packages will undergo testing to determine the type of drugs contained within them. The Police Force extends its deepest condolences to the family of the deceased.
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