Bike Team

March 28, 2023

Cuerpo Policial Aruba tin su propio Bike Team. Esakinan ta teamnan special, tactico y rapido cu ta move den espacionan chikito y facil. Mayoria biaha nan ta wordo uza pa eventonan special manera Carnaval of concierto. Pero nan ta patruya tambe den nos Centro di Cuidad. Nan ta un team hopi dynamico y ta yega hopi lihe na un sitio sin cu abo tuma nota di nan paso e biciclete no tin zonido manera di auto.

English version

The Aruba Police Force has its own Bike Team. These are special, tactical, and fast-moving teams that operate in small and easily accessible spaces. They are often used for special events such as Carnival or concerts, but they also patrol in our city center. They are a very dynamic team and can arrive quickly at a site without you noticing their approach, as the bicycles do not make noise like a car.

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