MACUARIMA, ARUBA: E siman aki a cuminsa cu un curso dedica y specialisa pa polis di bario di Cuerpo Policial Aruba. Tabata despues di basta tempo a organisa un curso di e forma aki pa asina por sigui inverti den e personalnan di KPA.
E curso aki ta wordo duna pa docentenan di Hulanda cu ta den e funcion di Politie wijkagent. Cu e yudansa di polis di Hulanda, polis di bario lo ta hopi mas organisa y capacita pa locual ta e funcion aki.
Pa altocomisario di Polis, drs. Ramon Arnhem e ta orguyoso di por participa cu Polis di Bario ta haya e oportunidad di por haya un curso pa asina nan por ta miho specialisa. “Tin dos strategia pa KPA cu ta: Intellegence Based Policing y Community Policing. E strategia aki nifica cu nos kier ta mas serca di comunidad y tin e contacto cu nos comunidad pero locual ta importante ta pa brinda nos comunidad e miho servicio di seguridad”. Tabata palabranan di altocomisario di Polis Arnhem cu ta satisfecho cu KPA ta desaroyo positivo.
E ta importante pa cada colega haya e oportunidad di desaroyo, train y sigui hisa nan conocimento den e area di Husticia. KPA ta den desaroyo y cambio pero locual ta importante pa sigui inverti den e personal di KPA cu ta importante pa e altocomisario pa e siguiente etapa di Cuerpo Policial Aruba
MACUARIMA, ARUBA: This week, a specialized course for neighborhood police officers of the Aruba Police Force (Cuerpo Policial di Aruba or KPA) has begun. After a considerable amount of time, this type of course has been organized to continue investing in the personnel of the KPA.
The course is being conducted by instructors from the Netherlands who hold the position of Police Neighborhood Officer. With the assistance of Dutch police officers, neighborhood police will become more organized and trained in fulfilling their roles.
ChiefCommissioner of The Aruba Police Force, Mr. Ramon Arnhem, takes pride in being able to participate in providing the opportunity for neighborhood police officers to receive this course in order to specialize further. He stated, “There are two strategies for the KPA: Intelligence-Based Policing and Community Policing. These strategies mean that we want to be closer to the community and have contact with our community, but what is important is to provide our community with the best security services.” These were the words of Chief Commissioner of The Aruba Police Force Arnhem, who is satisfied with the positive development of the KPA.
It is important for each colleague to have the opportunity for development, training, and to continue expanding their knowledge in the field of justice. The KPA is undergoing development and change, but it is important to continue investing in the personnel of the KPA, which is crucial for the next stage of the Aruba Police Force.
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