LOST AND FOUND: Bicicleta haya band’i Rooi Kochi

May 5, 2023

A wordo haya e bicicleta aki color preto cu cora di e marca Redline den mondinan na altura di Rooi Kochi, San Nicolas. Si abo ta e doño of ta reconoce di ken esaki por ta mester yama e departamento di JZP na number 5273190. Mester trece un ID y of un comprobante cu e bicicleta aki ta di bo.


This black bicycle with the Redline brand logo on the handlebars was found in the area of Rooi Kochi, San Nicolas. If you are the owner or recognize it, you should contact the JZP department at 5273190. You will need to bring a valid ID and proof that this bicycle belongs to you.

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