MACUARIMA, ARUBA: Na Playa Linda Resort a tuma lugar entrega di certificado na dos polis hunto cu nan cacho cu mester a pasa un curso riguroso pa wordo certifica.
Vianney Coffie instructor di cacho policial ta elabora cu e curso tabata uno importante pero di calidad pa asina por tin un bon K9 polis cu su agente riba caya. Vianney Coffie conhuntamente cu E. Lampe mester a pasa den un keuring pisa dor di dos keurmeester local y profesional pafo di Cuerpo Policial Aruba, pa asina nan por ta oficialmente certifica.
Awor Cuerpo Policial Aruba tin un dos cacho nobo cu a cumpli cu tur e rekisitonan y a wordo certifca. Dentro di poco lo tin dos cacho mas cu lo wordo certifica y asina reforsa e unidad canino policial.
Alabes un colega policial R. DINZEY tambe a wordo certifica pa ta e pakwerker di unidad canino. Un hoben cu tin hopi interes den e unidad aki a haya e oportunidad pa asina forma parti di dje. E tambe mester a pasa den un curso pisa hunto cu e otro agentenan cu nan cacho pa asina e wordo certifica.
Pa altocomisario di polis drs. Ramon I. ARNHEM “E ta un momento special, nos ta para keto na e desaroyo di cada polis pasobra e agente ta central. Cu e adkisicion di dos cacho nobo, dos polis y un pakwerker certifica ta reforsa Cuerpo Policial Aruba muchu mas miho ainda. Mi ta orguyoso di e determinacion di e coleganan aki pero mas aun cu ta stima cacho y awor e cacho ta forma parti di nos.”
Dentro di poco e unidad aki ta sigui crece y e cachonan aki cu tin diferente tarea lo sa di combati criminalidad eficiente y den un manera tactico y profesional bou guia di e agentenan cu ta bon certifica y entrena! Hopi exito!.
MACUARIMA, ARUBA: At Playa Linda Resort, two police officers and their canine partners received certificates after passing a rigorous training course to become certified. Vianney Coffie, a police dog instructor, explained that the course was important but also focused on quality to ensure that the K9 police unit would have well-trained and effective teams on the streets. Coffie and E. Lampe had to pass a strict evaluation by two local and professional examiners from the Aruba Police Force to become officially certified.
Now the Aruba Police Force has two new certified canine teams that have met all the requirements. Soon, two more teams will be certified, strengthening the police canine unit even further. Additionally, R. Dinzey, a police officer with a keen interest in the canine unit, was also certified as a canine handler.
For The Chief Commissioner of Police, Drs. Ramon I. Arnhem, “It is a special moment, as we are standing here witnessing the development of each police officer, because the officers are the heart of our force. With the acquisition of two new canine teams and a certified canine handler, the Aruba Police Force is now much stronger. I am proud of the determination of these colleagues, especially since they value their training, and now their teams are part of ours.”
In the coming weeks, this unit will continue to grow, and these certified teams, with their different tasks, will be able to combat criminality efficiently and tactically under the guidance of well-trained and certified officers. Congratulations!
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