Unidad Motorisa
Unidad Motorisa ta consisti di un grupo di Polis experencia y bon entrena cu a pasa un curso hopi intensivo di maneha un vehiculo ariba dos wiel. Unidad Motorisa su enfoke ta mas tanto riba trafico. Nan ta haci varios control di trafico tanto pa velocidad pero tambe pa documentonan di vehiculo ariba dos wiel. Nan ta un equipo cu ta mobilisa hopi liher riba nos careteranan y nan ta un team cu ta hopi importante pa nos organisacion pa locual ta e tema di trafico.
English version:
“The Motorcycle Unit consists of a group of experienced and well-trained police officers who have undergone an intensive course on handling a two-wheeled vehicle. The Motorcycle Unit’s focus is mainly on traffic. They carry out various traffic controls not only for speed but also for documentation of two-wheeled vehicles. They are a team that is very mobile on our roads and is very important for our organization when it comes to traffic.”
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